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Town Council - Work Session 10/20/2003


1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Aman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor William Aman
                                Deputy Mayor Matthew Streeter
                                Councillor Barbara Barbour
                                Councillor Paul Burnham
                                Councillor Thomas Delnicki
                                Councillor Deborah Fine
                                Councillor Edward F. Havens
                                Councillor Judith Paquin
                                Councillor John Pelkey

Also Present:           Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
                                Town Attorney Barry Guliano

Mayor Aman informed the listening public that the primary purpose of this evening’s Work Session was to conduct an Executive Session to continue discussing the Town Manager’s, Town Attorney’s, and Clerk of the Council’s evaluations.

Since there was a member of the public present who wished to speak, Mayor Aman asked for a Motion to add “Public Participation” as an additional Agenda Item.  Deputy Mayor Streeter so moved, Councillor Delnicki seconded the Motion and it was approved, unanimously.

3.      Public Participation

Coming forward to speak was Mr. Rick Tonucci, 3 Glen Hollow Drive, Unionville, Ct..  Stating that he is the Owner of “Fairway Miniature Golf and Batting Cages” on Ellington Road in South Windsor, Mr. Tonucci explained that he was present this evening because the Town had given him the wrong date for the original discussion regarding the renaming that portion of Ellington Road had affected his place of business.

3.      Public Participation  (Continued)

Mr. Tonucci said he was aware that the Town Council had already voted on this proposal; however, because of the error in dates, he had not been given an opportunity to state his views with regard to this renaming.  

Saying that he had “nothing against the Spielman’s;” and that he had been friends with Arthur Spielman for 30 years, etc.  However, from a business standpoint—he has been in this location for 29 years; and, for the first season in all that time, his business has been severely affected by the closure and placement of a cul-de-sac of Ellington Road at his location.

Saying he once had about 2,000 cars per day go by his business—because, Ellington Road is such a heavily traveled road, he now; however, he now has “zero” traffic on that road, Mr. Tonucci addressed the Town’s concern with regard to emergency vehicles—should the road be called “Ellington Road Extension,” rather that Spielman Road.  He felt that once these changes were known by the Police, Fire, Ambulance Corps personnel, and in light of the fact that there was very little located on his portion of Ellington Road, there should be no problem.

Mr. Tonucci was particularly concerned about the “thousands of ‘flyers,’ ‘score cards,’ ‘calling cards,’ ‘Map-Quest,’ the ‘Yellow Pages’ in the local Telephone Directories” all identify his location as “75 Ellington Road.”  Customers, in particular, he said were now having difficulty locating the entrance to his business; and he felt that to add a “name change” to the dilemma could only add to the problem for him and his customers.  

Mr. Tonucci concluded his address to Council by informing the Members that he was not the only business in this location to be affected by the changes—he cited that “Benny’s” Restaurant (the former “Lucien’s); and the Mobil Gas Station, too, were being adversely affected by changes already made to the roads; and he asked the Councillors to reconsider their decision to name that portion of the road “Spielman Road;” and to, instead, consider naming it “Ellington Road Extension.”

Mayor Aman recalled that when the idea of the name change was first brought up “no opposition came forward.” He asked the Town Manager to express Mr. Tonucci’s concerns to both the Fire Department and the Police Department, and asked them their feelings on this particular road; and, from the Engineering Department, learn if we are required by the State because of the work there to make a name change.  

3.      Public Participation  (Continued)

The Mayor asked that there be “no signage changes until you come back to the Council” with this.

Councillor Havens asked the Town Manager if there is any way to “generate some traffic” in the area of Mr. Tonucci’s business.  Mr. Galligan pointed out that no one knew the business better than Mr. Tonucci, and that the business has been in that location for 29 years.  He remarked; however, that perhaps “signage” is a part of the solution; and he would continue to look for a remedy to the situation.

Mr. Galligan emphasized, however, that  in light of the fact that Ellington Road is a State road, there was just so much the Town could do.  He mentioned that State Representative Kerensky, too, was looking into this situation.

There were other comments from various Councillors.

4.      Executive Session – To discuss Town Manager’s, Town Attorney’s, and
                        Clerk of the Council’s Evaluations

At 7:20 p.m., Mayor Aman asked for a Motion for Council to go into Executive Session.  Deputy Mayor Streeter moved to go into Executive Session to discuss the Town Manager’s, Town Attorney’s, and Clerk of the Council’s evaluations.  The Motion was seconded by Councillor Delnicki; and was unanimously approved.

(At 8:00 p.m., Mayor Aman left the Executive Session to call the Regular Meeting to order; immediately recessed the Regular Meeting and reconvened the Executive Session portion of the Work Session.)

5.      Motion to Adjourn – A Motion to adjourn the Work Session was made at 8:10 p.m.; was duly seconded; and unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council